Friday, April 27, 2012

Friends Til San Francisco Pre-Release Tape

Hand done by Paitor Press in April 2012. The tapes are limited to 14 and will be reissued with new art work and possibly by a separate label. This is the pre-release version, as David will be relocating and no longer playing with the band.

1. Hempfling
2. The Refused Were Fucking Dead and I Thought That Was Fucking Rad, But Now They're Fucking Back, and I Think That's Fucking Whack
3. Ankle Deep in Prolapse
4. David Shit in a Slurpee Cup
5. The Diarrhea of Anne Frank


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


2/18/2012 @BIP Los Angeles
w/ Salvation, Tempe SS, Seven Sisters of Sleep, Children of God, Blighted

3/23/12 @ Self Help Graphics, Los Angeles
w/ Nails, ACxDC, New Brigade, Sleepwalkers, Ruptrues, Venganza, & Disapproval